Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vampires bring 7 Bil to Hollywood economy

Hollywood has repeatedly peddled the apocalyptic threat from aliens, machines, comets,viruses and zombies, but who was watching the vampires ?

Never exactly absent fron the entertainment scene,those eternal bloodsuckers lately have infiltrated everything from big screens and little sreens to bookstore shelves,clothing racks,download services video games and video,record ans jewelry stores.

Just this week,the fox/ new regency"Twilight" parody Vampire Suck grossed $ 20 million, and 5 million regular viewers are rabidly following HBO's newest hit, True Blood , as it swoops toward its seasons 3 final sept 12.

These charmong,deadly immortals are everywere. And as a result, they're spilling as much green as red--about $7 billion since the "Twilght " film franchise bowed les than two years ago,according to THR estimates.

By the numbers

Film: $3 billion

Publishing: $1.6 billion

Merchandising: $600 million

TV, DVDs: $1.2 billion

Other: $600 million
THR projections

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