Wednesday, September 29, 2010

29 Septembre 2010 .. Source:

Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene: B-Day Shopping for Frankie!

Reunited now that he's finished up touring with his brothers, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene were hand-in-hand in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday (September 28).
The JoBros rocker and his "Twilight" actress girlfriend looked happy to be together as they partook in a bout of shopping at the local Walgreens.

Friday, September 3, 2010

REPORT: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Leave Not-So-Private “Love Nest”

There is a report today that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have moved out of their purported “love nest.”

Supposedly, the couple stayed there every now and then when their respective filming schedules permitted.

A real estate agent for the property claims Pattinson and Stewart “are no longer renting the home,” according to E! Online, which also cites a source who says, “It wasn’t as private as they hoped.”

And that’s the real story here.

Whether or not Pattinson and Stewart have left the residence, whether or not they stayed there in the first place, it was not the media’s business to share specifics or photographs.

Gossip Cop made the point last month, when tabloids like Life & Style and outlets like HollywoodLife stooped to revealing pictures of the site even while acknowledging the couple’s well-documented desire for privacy.

Kudos to E! Online for admitting that its own (past) contribution to the feeding frenzy was a mistake and declining to divulge any new information it’s learned about Pattinson and Stewart’s private spots.
If only Life & Style, HollywoodLife and similarly invasive outlets would follow that example.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kristen Stewart's Breaking Dawn Birth Scene Won't Be Toned Down

The good news is, screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg and director Bill Condon plan to be faithful to the book when shooting Bella's childbirth scene for the movie version of Breaking Dawn.

Or wait, is that bad news?

However Twilight fans might feel about the gruesome scene with Kristen Stewart's character, the screenwriter and director see little point in toning it down for the big screen. But that doesn't necessarily mean it will be a huge gorefest.

"We're working on it. And we're working on it to be as intense as it is in the book," screenwriter Rosenberg tells E! Online.

Rosenberg has long felt that the scene shouldn't be sidelined for the movie. But the priority for her and Condon is the emotional intensity of it.

"I don't think it's about the amount of blood you show," she says. "It's on their faces. It's all from Bella's point of view when you're seeing what's going [on]. It should feel visceral. I think it's going to be pretty intense."

Rosenberg and Condon have been working on script rewrites for the two Breaking Dawn movies of late. Asked when they might finish the scripts, Rosenberg replies: "It better damn well be before the beginning of November, because that's when we start shooting."